"Essentially, what's at stake is the last old-growth forest in the county," county Historic Preservation Planner Rebecca Ballo told HALRB members. en-en Copryright (c) Arlington Community News Lab., Inc. Thu, 20 Dec 2012 10:37:00 GMT Keep the forest in ANC I spoke with several active duty and retired servicemembers about this issue..none of them supported the plan to cut down the trees for more burial space in Arlington Cemetery. They all said to tighten the restrictions and when there is no more room then find another location. The trees are the living history and should not be sacrificed for any reason.

]]> 6ffe758e-502c-11e2-83fa-1231394043be Thu, 27 Dec 2012 08:50:56 GMT Don't dishonor those who served Killing old trees dishonors those who served. It is far more appropriate to re-use the former "Arlington Naval Annex/BUPERS" land for additional gravesites.

]]> dc43c880-4fcc-11e2-b014-1231394043be Wed, 26 Dec 2012 21:26:46 GMT We are fortunate To have lots of old growth trees still along the GW Parkway and in the parks along Military Rd, such as Potomac Overlook, etc. which we can visit and enjoy. <br /> <br />This is a federal issue, and I believe the cemetery's need is more important.

]]> b315ce6a-4f75-11e2-9df6-1231394043be Wed, 26 Dec 2012 11:02:50 GMT Necessary for Those That Served Our Country Unfortunate that the cemetery needs additional grave sites, but this is totally justified because of its purpose. Those who served have earned this.

]]> f94a8a7c-4f6d-11e2-9f7b-1231394043be Wed, 26 Dec 2012 10:07:32 GMT To save the trees, contact your Senators and Congressmen This project can not be stopped except by an Act of Congress. <br /> <br />The National Park Service once controlled this area, holding the property within its park at Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial. However, about ten years ago, Congress enacted a bill that transferred the affected property from the National Park Service to the Department of Defense (DOD) to enable Arlington Cemetery to increase its capacity. Both of Virginia's senators and Congressman Jim Moran voted in favor of the legislation. <br /> <br />Members of Congress who receive support and campaign funds from veteran's organizations provided the primary support for the legislation. The legislation received no opposition because neither the public nor any members of Congress were aware that the legislation would destroy an old-growth forest. <br /> <br />About seven years ago, Arlington Ceametery officials held a scoping session for an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project. All public speakers opposed the project. Some suggested that if the DOD needed more space for its burials, it could help the environment by utilizing some of the Pentagon's parking lots instead of destroying the woodlands. DOD did not follow-up on this. <br /> <br />After some delay, the project is now again going forward. Everybody concerned now needs to recognize that they will be wasting their time and efforts if they decide to make any comments about the tree loss in response to the EA. This has all been done before. Nobody should expect DOD or the Army Corps of Engineers to decline to comply with an Act of Congress. <br /> <br />The only thing that will save the trees will be new federal legislation that repeals the act that transferred the property to DOD. Anyone interested in saving the trees therefore needs to ask Congressman Moran, Senator Mark Warner, and Senator-elect Tim Kaine to sponsor such legislation. It will also be necessary to enlist to active support of national conservation groups, such as the Sierra Club, that have the resources to support a Congressional effort and to gain public support for the legislation. <br /> <br />Bernie Berne

]]> ab520686-4ae2-11e2-84f6-1231394043be Thu, 20 Dec 2012 15:20:17 GMT old growth trees this is insane. if the cemetery is full then close it. do not go forward with any plan that cuts these trees down. the army corp are crazy and should be stopped from making awful proposals like this

]]> 3c5a1188-4ace-11e2-a3db-1231394043be Thu, 20 Dec 2012 12:54:01 GMT Removal of trees in Cemetary Noooooooooooooooooooooo

]]> 3a0783fe-4acc-11e2-9d6c-1231394043be Thu, 20 Dec 2012 12:39:38 GMT