Michael McMenamin of the Maywood neighborhood was voted into the position of Arlington Civic Federation president in a vote by acclamation last night. Carla de la Pava (Bellevue Forest) will be vice president. Randy Swart of the Barcroft neighborhood will hold the secretary position and the Glencarlyn Civic Association’s Peter Olivere will remain treasurer for the coming year.
The executive committee of the group will include Jim Lantelme, Burt Bostwick, Terri Prell, Kim Klingler, and John Vihstadt.
They will serve during the group’s “membership year” which runs from July through June.
McMenamin had been on the executive committee of the federation over the past year. He ran for county board twice as a Republican. Listed on the county's website as the chief deputy treasurer, de la Pava was county board candidate Terron Sims’ campaign manager in 2011.
After a year at the helm, president James Schroll said he does not know what his public life will look like in the coming years as he is pursuing a graduate degree at George Mason University.
The federation acts as a sort of umbrella organization for neighborhood civic associations and other civic-minded groups. “Founded in 1916, the Civic Federation has devoted itself to improving the quality of life in Arlington County, in advocating improvements in the infrastructure of the County, and in airing and discussing issues of concern to its members,” .
(Full disclosure: McMenamin and this writer are friends; his son Patrick was an intern at the Mercury last year.)